الصفحة الرئيسية
روابط مفيدة
الأسئلة الشائعة
النسخة القديمة
More than 25,000 Downloads since 2020

Mission & Vision

As has happened in the Far East and Latin America, as the Internet goes to the masses, people want it in their native language.

Our mission is to develop open source solutions and provides professional support helps small and medium size companies meet the challenges of developing professional Arabic websites in the PHP/MySQL environment, the library that we develop helps our partners in save time and increase productivity.

This project provides a set of tools that enable Arabic website developers to serve professional search, present and process Arabic content in PHP.

Khaled Al-Sham'aa

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PHP & Arabic Language Project Features

Arabic Language

Worldwide Internet use has grown tremendously in recent years, most rapidly in non-English speaking regions especially in Arab world. For example, from 2000 to 2020, the online populations in the Middle East grew by 9300%. Meanwhile, Arabic Web content was estimated to be doubling every year. Such growth has created demand for better websites developing resources in Arabic language. However, existing websites developing resources may be unable to meet it because they primarily serve English-speaking users.

[Arabic | Report]

Click here to get the PHP and Arabic language library in Phar format
To use it in your PHP code, see this example:
include 'phar://ArPHP.phar/Arabic.php';
$obj = new I18N_Arabic('Numbers');

echo $obj->int2str(1975);

To install with Composer:
composer require khaled.alshamaa/ar-php
Make sure that the autoload file from Composer is loaded:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$obj = new \ArPHP\I18N\Arabic();

echo $obj->int2str(1975);
Project Blog Project Twites F.A.Q. Laboratory Projects
T.V. interview done by Mr. Faisal Alsaif for his program Up To Date on KSA 2 channel.

PHP in Arabic - interview with Mr. Manuel Lemos the founder of PHPClasses.org.

Free PHP Classes for Arabic Usage - Windows Middle East (Arabic) magazine.

PHP and Arabic language, an open source project in service of E-Government applications - Informatics magazine, issue 21, November 2007, pages 56-59.

PHP and Arabic language project - Al-Hasebat magazine, issue 1, July 2009, pages 3-5.
Participate in the meeting of experts to create the Arab Network for Open Sources that organized by ALECSO on November 23 and 24, 2011 in Tunis.

First Arabic Content National Conference from 13 to 15 June 2009 in the Ommayad Palace for Congress Damascus Ebla – Hotel
Submitted paper | Presentations

Arab Techies Code Sprint, which will be held in Cairo from May 20th till May 23rd, with the goal to find solutions to known Arabic language processing problems. (Follow up report) Participants | Day 1 | Day 2 & 3 | Day 4

Presentation on Ar-PHP project in the "Free and Open Source Software" workshop in Wednesday February 4, 2009 in the SCS headquarters at Teshreen Park, Damascus.

Al-Kashi project for statistical analysis
Al-Kindi project for site owners tools
Al-Hazen project for online OCR

Partnership Program!

We are going to actively encourage project leaders by launch a partnership program to highlight PHP open source projects that are handling Arabic language in professional way.

If you are a project leader and you are interested in partnering with us, by all means contact us!


Donations allow us to spend more time developing this free open source project instead of working on billable projects. If you appreciate the work we do, please consider donating, so we can keep making time available to develop it!

We appreciated your contributions to our project, thank you for your generosity.


PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. It is installed on more than 20 million websites and 1 million servers.

PHP runs more than 75% of all worldwide web sites and has a strong community of 4,5 million international developers.

[PHP | Report]


The main difference between the GPL and the LGPL is that the latter can be linked to (in the case of a library, 'used by') a non-(L)GPLed program, which may be free software or proprietary software. This non-(L)GPLed program can then be distributed under any chosen terms if it is not a derivative work.

Only a fool can repeat something that the other fool has done.
لا يكرر ما يفعله أحمق إلا أحمق مثله
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  If not now when? If not you and me who else? | إن لم يكن الآن فمتى؟ إن لم تكن أنت وأنا فمن غيرنا؟