Convert coordinates presented in degrees, minutes and seconds (i.e. 12°34'56"S formula) into usual float number in degree unit scale (i.e. -12.5822 value)
Equivalent float number in degree unit scale (i.e. -12.5822 value)
of Salat times + sun rise in the following format hh:mm where hh is the hour in local format and 24 mode mm is minutes with leading zero to be 2 digits always array items is [$Fajr, $Sunrise, $Dhuhr, $Asr, $Maghrib, $Isha, $Sunset, $Midnight, $Imsak, array $timestamps]
Calculate Salat times for the date set in setSalatDate methode, and location set in setSalatLocation.
of Salat times + sun rise in the following format hh:mm where hh is the hour in local format and 24 mode mm is minutes with leading zero to be 2 digits always array items is [$Fajr, $Sunrise, $Dhuhr, $Asr, $Maghrib, $Isha, $Sunset, $Midnight, $Imsak, array $timestamps]